Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Images from Lesson 1: The Hero

Here is the upperbody, or torso in which I've broken down into simple shapes first,from there I continue to dissect and add on major muscle groups that i feel should be included in my "Hero"

From the back I've done much of the same, but one thing I really wanted to illustrate is that the shoulders are not static. They can pull forward or backwards, the ribcage can also bend and twist as well.


  1. Great lessons! Well worth the price of admission.

  2. Some of the major muscle groups are obviously above the others. The use of overlap makes this apparent. I find that when drawing these figures in perspective I find myself getting a bit confused when and where to draw these subtle overlaps to make my drawings believable.

  3. Thanks for the critique Alvin. I'm REALLY into this class and I've already begun correcting my original assignment submission. I do have a question regarding the 3/4 portrait. After drawing the initial circle and later the center line, I get a bit confused with eye and nose placement. Would you say that the nasal bone or muscle(procerus) and the nasal spine (septum) sit on this center line? Also, does the left pupil (when foreshortened in 3/4 view) sit directly in the middle of the center line and the side of the face? I feel like I have to guess at this at times. Thanks again.

  4. Post more! post more! I am feeling hungry :)
